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“He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David”
Luke 1:31-32

Carving the Holy Family I was myself amazed how complied their faces turned out to be, a strong belief in the power of their faith.

(Scroll to watch the ‘making-of video’ – Time Lapse mode )


Width 43 cm
Depth 54 cm
Height 77 cm


SKU: ST-06 Category:

The Lord called the Holy Family to a special mission. A couple who are compliant to allowing the Lord to lead their life together. Mary, a young virgin and a fiancé of Joseph was bewildered by the responsibility placed on her shoulders. Afraid to face her fiancé, public shame, family dishonor, but she willingly accepted this weighty assignment.

Mary’s strong faith enabled her to submit to the will of the Lord. She was convinced that he would look after her. Joseph, the faithful man, who also faced what Mary faced, but with the same faith, he had the strength and strong belief that God will not abandon his family to be.

A strong faith, and complete compliance to their mission screams out of this beautifully-carved olive wood statue. While making this piece, I was thinking of families today. There is a lot of pressures; politically, socially, ethically and much more that families today have to undergo. But carving the Holy Family I was myself amazed how complied their faces turned out to be, a strong belief in the power of their faith… that all is and will be well, that I depicted by leaving the raw Holy land, olive tree wood, as the back of the statue. Yes, the Lord ‘got their back’…

What if all families today, revisit the story of the Holy Family, to learn many virtues and to practice them in our homes and among our own families? Indeed all will be well, with no fears.

Click to watch the ‘making-of video’ – (Time Lapse mode ):


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