Canaan… Son of man

Canaan... Son of man

Canaan… the Son of man

The nationality of the Holy Family that embraced the Son of man is Canaanite… despite the different names of colonialism in different times… This family, which was accompanied by a combination of happiness, love, pain and suffering… Asylum and Nakba… The past seems similar to the present… and man, the son of the original country, is one…

Man, the son of the original country, is one

An extension of Semitic civilizations and peoples whose homeland is Palestine, the Canaanite… One of a kind… rooted in the land and the soul… It is not a mixture of races or the dispersal of a nation from another… It is not a fugitive group… and what is documented from a long history – much of it hidden by colonial minds – of a civilization that is eighteen thousand years old … and any foreign existence at any time can be compared to our history… It will be for thousands of years… as if they visited and stole Palestine yesterday.

Canaan’s message to his family… the dynasty of the Savior is Canaanite… and will not accept division, sharing or distortion… it is our duty to know the truth and spread it… because the truth will not change unless its people remain silent… and for colonialism to miss the chance to change it again… so it won’t become history for those who have no history after a thousand years…

From the holy olive trees… whose age is older than colonialism… I made from the trees’ trunk roots which were uprooted by settlers from our Palestinian land, some artistic sculptures to complete this message…

Inspired by earth… God… man… inevitable suffering… but beyond it… it is a breakthrough towards the freedom of the soul… towards immortality… to the paths of light…

Brainstorming for many years to generate ideas… for a true message… That is now right before you…

It is fine if you rethink about it again…and get inspired by the Son of man…Canaan…

Tariq Salsa


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